May 15, 2017

Estate Planning - Tackling your Tangible Personal Property

You worked for months with your advisers on a carefully crafted estate plan that provides for the orderly division and administration of your family’s wealth, customized to take into account tax planning priorities as well as family priorities. You are more than ready to take that neat binder filled with your signed documents and file it away with a sigh of relief. But you before you check this task off your list, one step remains. For the full article, please click here.


Your Child is Legally an Adult. Now What?

Biltmore Family Office, an independent SEC-registered advisor, and investment-oriented business helps you navigate what to do when your child becomes a legal adult.

Due Diligence - What is it and why is it Important to my Family

Biltmore Family Office searches for investment managers that will drive return out of a special investment edge, a market inefficiency, and/or a temporary mispricing.

Personal Liability Insurance

Biltmore Family Office is an independent SEC-registered advisor to investment-oriented business owners and their families.