Jan. 15, 2019

On Volatility & Opportunity, part II

While we’ve been calling for increased market volatility for two years, that doesn’t make it feel any better when it happens. The violent volatility of December has been a jarring affair. If you took the monthly returns for the S&P 500 over the last 50 years – 600 months – and ranked them from worst to best, December 2018 would be number 16 on the list. Had the month ended on Christmas Eve at the market’s low, it would have ranked number four on the list. Read more here...


On Volatility and Opportunity

Biltmore Family Office is an independent SEC-registered advisor to investment-oriented business owners and their families.

2022 Q1 Quarterly Macroeconomic Review

Welcome to the Biltmore Family Office Quarterly Macroeconomic overview for Q1 2022. In the linked presentation, we will provide a broad overview of the current investment landscape. Each quarter, we dig deeper into a particular topic, worthy of your attention.

2022 Year Ahead - Time of Reckoning

For the investment world, 2021 was an absolute capital markets party. In the face of the pandemic, money rained from th…